5 Drabble Tag 7 Entries

Jul 19, 2016 08:45

Title: Love and Cheesecake
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: Golden Girls
Character/Pairing: Blanche/Dorothy
Rating: PG-13/T
Challenge/Prompt: FemSlash100 #504: Spy and DrabbleTag7: Golden Girls: Blanche/Dorothy - cheesecake - requested by madampresident
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 250
Date Written: 19 July, 2016
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to their rightful owners, not the author, and are used without permission.

She's learned to determine her girlfriend's sexual appetite by what kind of cheesecake she brings home. Traditional implies that she needs her to be her man that night in all the senses of the phrase but their loving will be rather vanilla by her definitions. Chocolate indicates she's feeling wilder and wants to top; she's ready to devour Dorothy by the time she places the cheesecake in their fridge. Raspberries hint at new games. Blueberries bring new toys, and strawberry means their loving will last all night long.

Blanche brings a cheesecake home every weekend. She's no longer worried about adding additional pounds to her waist, because she's not trying to keep up with the younger crowd. Dorothy finally has her to herself, and she's finally convinced her, too, that she'll love her forever, no matter how much she weighs or how many wrinkles have drawn into her beautiful face.

It gets ever harder for Dorothy to wait to peek into the pink box Blanche carries proudly into their kitchen every Friday night. This weekend, there's been an extra day of waiting. By Saturday evening, Dorothy can wait no longer. She slips into the kitchen just as Blanche heads for her boudoir and sneaks into the refrigerator. She lifts the lid and gasps in delighted surprise when she spies a turtle caramel cheesecake. She shuts the lid quickly, grinning like a school kid and as eager and nervous as a teenager on prom night. Loving by the seaside, it is!

The End

Title: A Real Bitch
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: Angel/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Character/Pairing: Faith/Cordelia
Rating: R/M
Challenge/Prompt: FemSlash100 DrabbleTag7: DrabbleTag4: Angel: Faith/Cordelia - what a real bitch is made of - requested by consumedly
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 250
Date Written: 19 July, 2016
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to Whedon, not the author, and are used without permission.

She thought she'd go screaming and crying to Angel when she kissed her the first time. It was a fast, hard kiss meant to shut her the Hell up so Faith could think clearly. She wasn't prepared for her hot tongue thrusting just as swiftly into her mouth. She twisted around hers with surprising ferocity. She tried every way she could to surprise her, but Cordelia met and topped her at every turn. The next time they met, it was Cordy who initiated their kiss, but they never moved beyond a few fast, hot kisses in the shadows of her office until Faith broke out of jail.

Angel turning into Angelus hit them all hard but none harder than Cordelia. Faith was tired of her crying and thought she'd distract her with a hand up her skirt. She wasn't prepared for her lack of underwear or for Cordelia sliding down onto her hand. She did smile, though, when her name replaced Angel's.

She pressed her palm up against Cordelia's core but stopped when she heard Wesley in the next room. "A real bitch doesn't care who catches her," Cordelia whispered, driving down onto Faith's fingers and startling a gasp from the Slayer. Faith paused, then nodded while stroking. She remembered the first time she kissed her, thinking she'd shut up the girl who wasn't half the bitch she claimed to be. Cordelia was right, though, even back then: the former cheerleader possessed everything of which a real bitch was made.

The End

Title: Making Parker Smile
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: Leverage
Character/Pairing: Sophie/Parker
Rating: PG/K+
Challenge/Prompt: FemSlash100 DrabbleTag7: DrabbleTag5: Leverage: Sophie/Parker - price - requested by aerisahale
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 250
Date Written: 19 July, 2016
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to their rightful owners, not the author, and are used without permission.

She used to be stingy with her prizes. She still has over a hundred hordes of stashed goods, money, and diamonds scattered across the globe. She's always said she would use them one day to retire in wealth and ease, but lately, her plans have been changing. Lately, she's more giving, helping Eliot help the poor families to whom his heart goes out, aiding Nate in helping still more families with sick and dying children, dropping bottles of orange soda off on Hardison's desk, and most importantly of all, making Parker smile.

It's easy to make the girl smile and worth any price. She's so beautiful when she does. Sophie's started carrying around wads of cash just to throw at her when she least expects it. She always grabs the fluttering, green bills like a hungry child snatching for candy.

Sophie knows she's hungry. She's hungry for acceptance which the team has given her. She's hungry for love, more love than they can give her together but not more than Sophie can and wants to give her.

One night on a case, Nate asks casually, "So you still planning on retiring one of these days?"

"Who?" she asks innocently. "Me?"

At his nod, her gaze shifts to Parker. "No. I don't believe retirement's for me. It's too boring." Her grin grows into a wide smile as Parker glows with delight. She might grab the girl one of these days and dash off to Europe, but she'll never quit the game.

The End

Title: Better To Dream
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: Xena, Warrior Princess
Character/Pairing: Xena/Gabrielle
Rating: PG/K+
Challenge/Prompt: FemSlash100 DrabbleTag7: DrabbleTag5: Xena Warrior Princess: Gabrielle/Xena - dreams - requested by fresh_brainss
Warning(s): Character Death
Word Count: 209
Date Written: 19 July, 2016
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to their rightful owners, not the author, and are used without permission.

She scratches through the words almost as fast as she can write them. Nothing seems to be coming out right today. She's got a thousand plus stories she could tell of the woman she loves and her heroic endeavors, but all she keeps seeing is how it ended. Gabrielle balls up another scroll and tosses it to the floor of the tavern.

She downs another mug of ale and slams the emptied mug down onto the table like she never would before. A warlord in the corner laughs. She throws her sai. Her blade silences his laughter as it embeds in the wall next to his fat, ugly head, but silencing the ruffian doesn't make it smile like it once did. Instead she simply stands, retrieves her sai, and grabs his ale. She doesn't even watch as he runs away.

She takes his seat and downs his drink, and finally sleep begins to come to her. She lets her eyes drift closed and leans her head back against the dirty wall. Visions of Xena dance before her closed eyes. She surrenders her quill for another night, taking solace in her dreams, the only place where she can still see her love, feel her kiss, and smile through her tears.

The End

Title: Still Not This Time
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: Xena, Warrior Princess
Character/Pairing: Xena/Gabrielle
Rating: PG/K+
Challenge/Prompt: FemSlash100 DrabbleTag7: DrabbleTag5: Xena Warrior Princess: Gabrielle/Xena - leather - requested by fresh_brainss
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 250
Date Written: 19 July, 2016
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to their rightful owners, not the author, and are used without permission.

She stops where she stands, the familiar scent of leather surrounding her senses. She feels a hand on her shoulder but doesn't look down. She knows she won't see anything. Her shoulder will be bare. It always is, no matter how many times she feels the weight. Still, she knows she's there and understands what her presence means.

She's warning her against whatever's around this next bend of the forest. She's heard tale of the army sweeping through this area. They've been consistently destroying everything in their path. Rumor has it that they're as bad as Xena's used to be so many years ago. She knows that's impossible. Nobody's ever been as skilled as her Warrior Princess.

Still, they may be just what she needs. She trumpets out a yell, the closest she can sound to Xena's old battle cry. Raising her sais, she runs toward the fight like she never did while Xena still lived. She plows into the enemy, hoping they'll be her answer, yearning for them to be as strong and ruthless as the legend they're making for themselves, aching for them to make her stop.

When the battle is over and the dust cleared, she's the only one still standing -- again. She drops to her knees and cries. She'd pray to any god who would listen, but she knows they all stopped caring long before her love was taken from her. Still, she cries, aching for relief and feeling Xena's hand ever on her shoulder.

The End

fandom: angel, challenge504, fandom: golden girls, fandom: xena, drabbletag7, fandom: leverage, author: katleept

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