Title: Undeniability Prompt: Orange Is the New Black: Judy King/Yoga Jones - "Sweetheart...." Requested By: femme_slash_fan Rating: PG Word Count: 100 Summary: Yoga is
I was so excited to see these prompts filled! Judy King is by far not my favorite new character, but she has such an interesting chemistry with the other inmates that I instantly started shipping her with everyone.
The subtle hold Judy has on the other women is so intriguing to me, even though it gets sort of sad with Jones. In your fic, though, it shows some of her more playful "manipulations." <3
I absolutely love Red's line about how Judy will never see her talents...Judy would so see that as a challenge!
Comments 4
The subtle hold Judy has on the other women is so intriguing to me, even though it gets sort of sad with Jones. In your fic, though, it shows some of her more playful "manipulations." <3
I absolutely love Red's line about how Judy will never see her talents...Judy would so see that as a challenge!
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