1 Drabbletag7 Fill | Criminal Minds

Jul 14, 2016 16:18

Title: Unsaid
Prompt: Criminal Minds: Emily/Garcia - distance
Requested By: katiesaygo
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: so close, so far

“Are you still there?” Emily says softly into the phone.

“Yes.” Garcia answers in a whisper. She opens her mouth to say… what? I miss you? I love you? Please come home? She closes her mouth again and just listens to Emily’s breathing on the other end, so far away and so close.

The silence stretches on as Emily fights against the words that she so badly wants to say. She knows she shouldn’t have gotten so attached. Hers had never been a lifestyle conducive to long term relationships… was that what this was?

Yes. Emily Prentiss loves Penelope Garcia.

author: madampresident, drabbletag7, fandom: criminal minds

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