#500, remainder | #424, proposal (Game of Thrones, Daenerys/Yara)

Jun 20, 2016 22:13

Title: Private Meeting
Prompt: #500, remainder | #424, proposal
Fandom: Game of Thrones
Pairing: Daenerys/Yara
Rating: General Audiences
Word count: 100

Yara poured two glasses of wine in the Great Pyramid of Meereen. One was for herself. The other was for Daenerys. The two were alone. "I'm glad you decided to meet with me."

"What is there to discuss?" Daenerys asked Yara.

Yara moved the glass of wine closer to Daenerys. "Some of our boats need repairs. We have holes in our hulls and our sails."

"That's it? You need materials to repair your boats?"

"No." Yara smiled at Daenerys. "I wanted to see you again without an audience around us."

Daenerys took the wine and smiled. "I like your excuses."

fandom: game of thrones, challenge500, challenge424, author: merryghoul

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