Challenge #493 - MCU - Darcy/Jane

May 08, 2016 22:59

Title: Chase Over
Author: canadiandiamond
Prompt: Challenge #493 - Chase
Fandom: MCU
Pairings: Darcy/Jane
Rating: G
Word count: 100

She used to chase storms, she mused. Chasing storms to chasing rainbows to chasing demigods and back again. Chasing had been Jane’s life.

It had been such a big part of her life that it took her some time to realize she was being chased herself. Through most of those pursuits, Darcy was by her side. She’d been there for her every step of the way. More importantly, she'd been there in between.

Jane smiled, looking over at the brunette sleeping beside her. She’d finally been caught, and her chasing days were now behind her.

She didn’t mind one bit.

challenge493, fandom: marvel cinematic universe, author: canadiandiamond

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