Challenge #493, chase (Clara/River)

May 07, 2016 22:53

Title: Almost Accidentally Married
Prompt: #493, chase
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Clara/River
Rating: General Audiences
Word count: 100

It was supposed to be a harmless trip. River showed up at Coal Hill School to find Clara for a vacation. The two left Coal Hill school by vortex manipulator and found themselves on a leisure planet, holding hands.

Moments later, the two of them were being chased. People were following them with dresses, rings, even a cake. Someone was even trying to stop them by throwing rice. The two of them hid around a corner as the party chasing them ran past them.

River shook her head. "You hold one girl's hand and people want to marry you here."

challenge493, fandom: doctor who, author: merryghoul

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