Title: A Long Walk
Prompt: #492, hotel
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Ashildr | Me/Clara
Rating: General Audiences
Word count: 200
Clara looked at the room key the clerk gave her. Ashildr and Clara's room number was 166. The key Clara was given read 199.
"Didn't the clerk say we had room 166?" Clara asked Ashildr.
"He did."
"We have to walk all the way back to the front desk to get the right key. It took us, what, five minutes?"
Ashildr nodded. "Five minutes."
Clara sighed. "We may as well walk back. I knew we should've stayed in the TARDIS."
Clara and Ashildr walked back towards the front desk.
"This walk is nothing to me," Ashildr said. "I walked all the time when I was a queen."
"Did you ever take a break?"
"They only let me take a break when I needed to use the loo, when someone needed me to sign something, and when I had to sit in a coach to go between my palace and elsewhere. The walking drove me crazy. It drove me to fake my own death and go elsewhere. I much prefer this five minute walk to get out of this hotel wing to get a room key."
"Let me guess. Because I'm here with you."
Ashildr nodded. "Because you're here with me."