Drabblecycle AUs - Once Upon A Time - Vampires and Werewolves

Mar 27, 2016 18:55

Title: Don't Make Me
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: AU Table: #27 Vampires
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Pairings: Emma/Regina, Ruby
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 250
Note: Posting these two together because they are companion pieces.

"We don't have to do this," Emma said to Regina.

Regina finished draining her bag of blood and tossed it to the floor. "We do," she wiped her bloody mouth with the back of her hand. "They started this war, we're going to finish it."

"We can just talk to them," Emma pleaded.

The rest of the coven watched and waited.

Regina looked around, meeting the eyes of each one of them, finishing with Emma. Her eyes turned a golden yellow. Before she spoke she drew back her lips to flash her gleaming fangs. "Sun goes down in a few minutes. Be ready."

As the others made their final preparations Regina moved in close to Emma to whisper in her here. "You might be my girlfriend but I am Queen of this coven. If you question me publicly again I will have to rip your head off." She stroked her hand down Emma's back, down her red leather jacket. She stopped with her hand on Emma's ass. "It would hurt me so much to do that." Regina gave Emma's butt a squeeze. "Please don't make me."

"Yes my Queen," Emma replied without emotion.

Regina gave her a soft kiss on the lips. "We're going to tear those fucking wolves apart."

Emma nodded. She went and grabbed a bag of blood of her own. She wasn't that hungry but needed the distraction.

Especially since she was having an affair with Ruby, leader of the pack they were about to go fight.

Title: Let Them Down
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: AU Table: #28 Werewolves
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Pairings: Ruby/Emma, Ruby/Belle
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 250

"They're going to come for us tonight," Ruby said.

"We don't know that," Belle replied.

"Regina's made it clear she doesn't want this to end peacefully."

"You're scared."

"Of course I am."

Belle wrapped her arms around the pack leader. "We're all with you. The pack will follow you. We'll fight them. We'll win."

"Even if we win a lot of us will die." Ruby tried to take comfort in Belle's arms. She knew that Belle had a thing for her, but her heart belonged to another. Which made her even more terrified of what was going to happen.

"Sun's almost down," Snow called.

Ruby and Belle parted.

"Spread the word. Show no mercy, they won't." As much as she didn't want this she needed to protect her pack, that came first, even before protecting her own heart.

Snow and Belle left her alone while they did as she asked. The night of brutal violence and death ahead made her want to run from her responsibilities. Maybe she should tell the pack to scatter, to surrender their principles, to avoid the battle altogether.

It wouldn't work. Ruby knew even suggesting it would cost her her Alpha status.

She wanted to call Emma so bad. Hear her voice. Maybe they could find some way to stop this madness.

No. Thoughts like that were hopeless. She had to get in the fighting mindset. She had to get in the killing mindset.

Her pack was depending on her, she couldn't let them down.

author: swan_secrets, drabble cycle: alternate universes, fandom: once upon a time

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