Dead Like Me drabbles

Aug 16, 2006 15:34

Nine times one hundred words of Dead Like Me femslash. Enjoy!

#71 Caffeine

The bitter black liquid has become George's savior and curse. It keeps her functioning when she has not been able to sleep. It wakes her up the few mornings when she has slept. The smell triggers her memories. Memories of Betty, who took her coffee without sugar but with cream, who pinched George's ass, fondled her breast and disappeared before George managed to make up her mind about what to do about it. It reminds her of Daisy, who prefers her coffee black as sin, sweet as love and served by a naked young woman she's just made love to.

#72 Sugar

"Brazilian sugar waxing," Misty said. "You should have one."
George looked confused.
"What is it and why should I have one?"
"You remove all the hair between your legs," Misty explained. "Feels good. Looks good."
"And you mention this...?"
Misty whispered.
"I just had one."
She grabbed George's hand and guided it up under her skirt.
"That's... smooth," George said. It was also warm. And wet. It felt good.
"I could give you one," Misty said. "Right now. And you know what?"
She headed for the bathroom.
"I like the taste of the sugar," she said over her shoulder.

#73 Salt

"There's no salt on this table," Roxy said.
"Salt isn't good for you," Daisy said.
Roxy glared.
"I've been sweating all day, and I need salt."
Daisy leaned forward.
"Have you been drinking?"
"Lots of water," Roxy said. "Like a camel."
Daisy nodded.
"Ok," she said. "Then you need salt."
"I said! And there's no damn salt!"
"So you'll have to get it elsewhere."
Roxy glared again.
"No shit, blondie."
"You could, for example," Daisy said. "Lick it off me."
They looked at each other.
"You ain't been sweating enough," Roxy said.
"Maybe," Daisy admitted. "But you could make me."

#74 Alcohol

"You're too young," Roxy said after the first tequila.
"You're like a younger and stupider sister to me," she said after two.
"You're Rube's little girl. He'd kill me," she said after three.
"George, you're a sweet girl," she said after four. "Don't let anybody treat you bad."
"You have such a great ass," she said after five.
"I'd love to have your ass," she said after six
George had been keeping pace, and was trying to balance salt on an unsteady hand.
"Roxy," she said. "You can have my ass, and the rest of me, any time you like."

#75 Cigarettes

George was sitting on the floor of a dorm room, leaning against the wall. Well, she thought. It's not like it can kill me. She closed her eyes and inhaled a lungful of smoke. She coughed.
"These aren't just tobacco, are they?" she said.
Charlotte giggled.
"Of course not," she said.
"Marijuana is illegal, you know," George said.
She opened her eyes, and found that Charlotte was undressed from the waist up. She sat down on George's lap, breasts gently bouncing. She slid her hands in under George's blouse.
"I know," she said. "But it makes sex so much better."

#76 Force

There is an out of order sign on the ladies bathroom at Der Waffle House.
Inside, Daisy Adair is chained up. Four handcuffs chain her hands and feet to the wall, leaving her naked body exposed and easily accessible.
In front of her, Roxy is kneeling. She's fully dressed, in her police uniform. She's been eating Daisy out for a long time, not letting her come.
Daisy is frustrated. Her arms hurt. She's thirsty. And she's happier than she's been since long before she died. She does not need to give. Finally, she found someone who cares enough to take.

#77 Control

George was slowly going insane. She was in her chair at Happy Time, slowly being driven out of her mind.
"You need to learn some control, sweetie," Daisy had said out of the blue. "Here. Put this inside you. Don't take it out until tonight."
The thing was egg-shaped. George did as she was told.
It started vibrating after she got to work. Then it stopped. And started. Over and over again, all through the day.
Control, George decided after she muffled her tenth orgasm before lunch, would consist of, when she returned home in the evening, not killing Daisy.

#78 Surrender

She's a younger reaper and I should take care of her, Daisy thought in the beginning. She's young and needs help getting started in her un-life, she thought some time later. She's never really lived alone and needs someone around, she thought later still. She's a nice person and it makes sense to share household chores, came after that.
Around then, it became hard to lie to herself. But it wasn't until George got assigned to help reap New Orleans and was gone for four weeks that Daisy finally surrendered to the inevitable and admitted that she loved the girl.

#79 Mirror

Daisy's room was full of mirrors. In the beginning, it kind of freaked George out. She'd close her eyes while they made love, so as not to see them moving out of the corner of her eyes. But as time passed, she got to like it. It made it easier to see Daisy's face, her body, her beauty. Sometimes, she imagined that the people in the mirrors were other people, that they were part of some large all-George all-Daisy orgy.
"Oh," Daisy said when George mentioned this to her. "It never occurred to me to look at you in them."

challenge79, challenge72, fandom: dead like me, challenge76, challenge75, challenge78, challenge74, author: cdybedahl, challenge77, challenge80, challenge71, challenge73

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