Challenge #487 - Star Wars - Strict commander

Mar 24, 2016 18:08

Title: Strict commander
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: Phasma/Rey
Word Count: 250
Rating: PG
Prompt: #487: tattoo

“Show me your hip, soldier”, these words made Rey unsure. She was sure that it's a great idea to steal Stormtrooper's uniform and get out of this damn base, but then this bitch in scarlet cape appeared. No matter how hard she tried, Rey had problems with convincing her that she's just another Stormtrooper. She had bad feelings about this.
“Your hip, soldier! I want to see your unit's tattoo”, captain's voice was cold and overbearing. Rey trembled.
“But captain, I... was wounded there and I just left bacta tank.” she did her best to sounds convincing.
“Yes, I see, you just left bacta tank, right?”, said captain Phasma, looking at her. “All right then, come with me. We'll take care of it.”
Rey followed Phasma, wondering what to do. Captain brought Rey to her room and closed the door.
“Strip this armor, girl. I'll call for a tattoo master...”
Ray took of the helmet, still thinking what to do.
“Or maybe I'll do it personally” Phasma smiled, seeing the face of the girl she never seen before. Since the beginning there was something odd with this soldier. Not to mention that she was bit too short for the Stromtrooper. But short or not, she was definitely cute. Way too cute to give her in the hands of the First Order's Security Service. Even if she wasn't in her troop, Phasma decided she wants this girl to be one of her soldiers.

author: yuri_onna, challenge487, fandom: star wars

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