surrender, control

Aug 16, 2006 16:59

Title: Into Gamma Shift
Author: frogfrizz
Fandom: Star Trek Voyager
Pairing: Torres/Seven
Challenge: Surrender
Rating: G
Word count: 100
A/N: First drabble ever; somewhat reminded me of writing a sonnet, weirdly enough.
Summary: Seven's reason for overtime.

Night was for the sleepers. Through slight meanderings, it came to be that occupants of Beta shift intruded on Gamma. Mistakes were likely to be made, especially when processes and malfunctions were overlooked by half-lidded eyes, when they used the remainder of wakefulness for tasks better conceived with sleep.

She watched a half-Klingon curse at her engines, throwing her sarcasm in hardened syllables, growling. But B'elanna switched to tones of delight as Voyager conceded; she purred in softened Standard.

Seven roamed into Gamma shift for this excess of her, the unraveling of reason as Seven studied Torres with glinting eyes.


Title: Into Gamma Shift II
Author: frogfrizz
Fandom: Star Trek Voyager
Pairing: Torres/Seven
Challenge: Control
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Summary: Torres loses some bit of control, some more.

Those unwarranted slips of control were an enigma. First, it was a paroxysm of fury channeled at the console with gaudy curse words that would’ve painted her Captain red. As if jolted into working, the glitch tapered to a green, cheerful blink at the upper hand of her console. She sighed, spilling thanks to Kahless and to Voyager in particular.

It was five hours into Gamma shift, and Beta had all but shrunk to two people: Seven and herself. She turned to gaze at that companion who chose to dally, her control slipping in another, more self-conscious way.

She reddened.

challenge78, challenge77, author: frogfrizz, challenge80, fandom: star trek: voyager

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