Drabbletag6: 2X Darcy Crossover fics

Jan 01, 2016 12:53

Title: Tragedy
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: No one uses myspace anymore
Fandom: Crossover, Agents of SHIELD/MCU
Pairings: Darcy/Skye
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 250

"You know what's a tragedy?" Darcy asked as she sat back down across from Skye and poured them both another drink.

"That we're almost out of Jack?" Skye pointed at the bottle that they had been working on all evening.

"No. Well. Yes. But that's not what I meant," Darcy splashed cola into their glasses.

It was one in the morning, they had been drinking and putting the world to rights since about nine o'clock.

They both took a swallow of their drinks.

"Well don't keep me in suspense," Skye waved her hand in a get-on-with-it gesture.

"No one uses Myspace anymore."

"That's...not that tragic actually," Skye shrugged.

"It is!" Darcy insisted.

"Okay, explain it to me, why is it a tragedy that no one uses Myspace anymore?"

An hour later Darcy dribbled the last of the booze into her own glass, picked it up and knocked it back.

"Okay," Skye conceded. "You're right. It is a tragedy."

"I knew you'd see the light."

"Can we go to bed now?"

"Abso-fuckin-lutely," Darcy stood, a little unsteady on her feet. Skye followed and they went to bed.

Darcy zonked out quickly once she was under the sheets.

Skye smiled watching her girlfriend sleep, there was no one else in the world she'd spend the night talking so much utter nonsense with. For the first time Skye realised that she was truly, hopelessly, in love with Darcy. She'd never felt such love before. With that happy beautiful feeling she slept too.

Title: A Helping Hand
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Blog ideas
Fandom: Crossover, The Flash/MCU
Pairings: Darcy/Iris
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 250

"I invited you over so you could give me ideas for my blog," Iris said.

"Uh-huh," Darcy nodded.

"How is your hand in my jeans helping with that?"

Darcy looked, as if surprised, at the front of Iris' jeans where sure enough her hand had slipped down under the waistband. "Are you saying you'd like me to take my hand back?"

They were on the couch, Iris had her iPad in hand where she'd made some notes for ideas that really weren't sparking off any blog entries. "Not necessarily, if it's got something do to with my blog."

"You could write about how awesome snuggling on the couch with your girlfriend is," Darcy grinned and wriggled her fingers a little further, cupping Iris' crotch through her underwear.

"Snuggling, is that what you're doing?"

"Special snuggling. Special loving snuggling."

"Right, I'm not sure special snuggling quite fits with my target audience," Iris said.



"Maybe you need a new blog then."

"You think so?"

"Totally. You could call it 'the sexy adventures of Iris West', it would get lots of hits."

"I'm not sure I want to blog about my sex life," Iris said.

"Well," Darcy gently rubbed with her fingers. "Why don't we try a sexy adventure and see if you want to blog about it."

"You are the worst ever you know that?" Iris sighed. "I'm trying to write and you're literally getting into my pants."

"You still haven't told me to take my hand away," Darcy grinned.

author: swan_secrets, drabbletag6, fandom: marvel cinematic universe, fandom: agents of shield, fandom: the flash

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