Chronicles of Narnia, Jadis/Susan - For Queen and the Country

Dec 14, 2015 09:49

TITLE: For Queen and the Country
PROMPT: #483, split
AUTHOR: yuri_onna
FANDOM: Chronicles of Narnia
PAIRING: Jadis/Susan

Susan looked at the armies ready for battle. She wished it will never end this way, but she knew there was no other choice. Since the first time she came to the Narnia, there was a straight way that lead her there. It wasn't easy. She had to split with her siblings, became traitor in their eyes. She did her best to explain them everything, to open their eyes for the lies they were told, but it was useless. She loved them, yes. But she found someone she loved even more. Someone she wanted to protect at all costs.

Narnia was beautiful country, she knew it from the beginning. Such place was meant to be desired by many. But Susan knew that there can be only one person suitable to rule this world. And this person stood right beside her.

“Your brothers and sister are there”, she heard a voice.
“Yes, they are. But I'm here”, Susan turned back, to see the Jadis, queen of the Narnia. Many were afraid of her. Many hated her. But Susan was probably the only one person in the world that loved her.
“Are you with me?”, Jadis asked. There was still a doubt in her voice. Such un-queen like matter. Rulers are meant to command, not to ask. Being with Susan changed the woman known as a White Witch more than anyone could imagine.
“Forever,” Susan made a step and knelt, planting a kiss on the palm of the woman she loved.

challenge483, author: yuri_onna, fandom: chronicles of narnia

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