Sailor Moon, Rei/Minako - Last battle

Dec 01, 2015 10:19

TITLE: Last battle
PROMPT: #483, split
AUTHOR: yuri_onna
FANDOM: Sailor Moon
PAIRING: Minako/Rei, Rei/Usagi

Only three of them remained. Sailor Venus had no doubts about Mercury's fate. Blue haired girl did her best for sure, but it wasn't enough to stop the enemy, only to slow them. Those monsters were still after them. From the beginning she prayed that this moment won't come. But from the other side, she knew it will come.

“I will stop them”, she said without turning back, hoping Rei won't see her tears. “You take Usagi and move forward”.
“We shouldn't split, Minako...”
“Yes, we should. You have strongest attacks, so at the end, it will be the best if you'll stay with her. And I know that you love her... more than anyone else”, she whispered those last words.
“Go, now!”, Sailor Venus cried, she could see the enemy coming. She wiped the tears and clenched her fists. Turning her head back, she saw Sailor Mars and Sailor Moon running quickly, slowly disappearing in the snowstorm. So, they were save as long as she stood there.
“I will wait for you, Rei.... my love”, Sailor Venus said silently, preparing for her last combat. She just hoped that death won't be very painful. She hoped that they'll meet again in afterlive. Somewhere where it won't be a sin to fell in love in the another girl, especially when she's your best friend's love as well.

challenge483, author: yuri_onna, fandom: sailor moon

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