Title: Let Them Bake Cake
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Prompt: Drabble Tag #6 (#81): Caroline/Rebekah: Competitive by
xjadedgrlxRating: T
Length: 150w
To be fair, this isn't the most dramatic competition they've ever had. }
Title: Bath Time
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Prompt: Drabble Tag #6 (#82): Allison/Lydia: Comfort by
fresh_brainss & drabble cycle: kinks | table 30A prompt #4: Bathing
Rating: T
Length: 123w
All this hunting's made Allison sore - good thing she has such a wonderful girlfriend. }
side note: y'all should check out the franken femslash
fest over at
femslashagenda ;)