
Aug 02, 2006 21:18

Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/Catherine
Challenge: 78 - Surrender
Rating: PG13?
Word Count: 231
Title: ( Ultimatum )

fandom: discworld, challenge78, fandom: csi vegas, author: amazon_syren

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amazon_syren August 3 2006, 17:50:59 UTC
Why thank you. :-)

Re: Polly and her brain: Yeah, that's exactly it. :-) The three people they traded for her were... two concussed lieutenants and a private of the 'Private Ryan' variety.
Thinking too much is never a bad thing. :-)

Re: 'Taking it Somewhere Else': Moving their fuck-buddy relationship out of the office and into the bedroom, essentially. Sara's been to Catherine's house a few times already (Linday's going to figure them out *so* fast...) so this would just involve... only going to each other's houses. Or screwing in restaurant bathrooms (Which they might do shortly after their meal). It would involve slightly more planning (which may, eventually, lead to actual dates), but it would also mean they don't have to answer those questions -- since they aren't totally sure what those answers really are.

Catherine, for example, is still keeping the door open for Warrick. (And Warrick is part-way through it, so...) she's not that eager to have to explain her lover-relationship with Sara to him. (I mean, if she were tyring to date Greg -- hahaha -- he'd just want to get in on the action. But Warrick, I think, is looking for something a little more monogamous than that.).

Sara, on the other hand, just doesn't want to deal with:
A) Greg. For the above reason.
B) Eckley, who'd find out, and just make eveything worse than he already does.
C) Grissom... Because of Sara's Thing for Grissom... although she could probably handle him finding out, somehow.
D) Nick... Because Nick already teases her about flirting on the job.

She's worried about getting teased.
Catherine's worried about screwing up a relationship that she wants to go romantic with. (She's still a bit in denial about being Bi... you'd think she'd smarten up about that, wouldn't you?)


ilthit August 3 2006, 18:05:07 UTC
See, when you're going to have a casual sexual relationship - yeah, best not have it in the office. :D

*thinks for a moment* Wait, Greg is the lab guy, right? With the funky hair? Warrick and Nick are the two guys that kept getting partnered in the early episode and had banter.

...Seriously, how much sex does it take for some girls to figure themselves out? :D But then again, I believe in a person's right to identify herself as bi-curious hetero, hetero woman who wants girlsex, bi-dyke, lesbian-identified male or whatever rocks her boat.


amazon_syren August 3 2006, 18:29:22 UTC
Greg is the lab guy with the funky hair.
Warrick is the black guy with the really pretty eyes
Nick is the guy who obviously does weight-lifting and has really-really-really short hair.

Re: How much sex does a gal need?:
Catherine considers herself het.
She thinks of this Thing with Sara as... killing time? As something fun but meaningless and, therefor, *not* something that makes her count as slightly-gay.
The fact that her other two or three girl-sex experiences happened under the influence of alcohol simply serves to prove her point to herself: "This is not something I do, normally".
Sara may eventually get fed up with this attitude, but she first has to get more attached to Catherine than she currently is.
We'll see how long that takes. ;-)

"Lesbian-Indentified Male"?


ilthit August 3 2006, 18:45:26 UTC
The eyes ARE pretty, aren't they? If I went for the manly type at all, I might crush on Warrick. Or is it Warwick? I don't know. Probably Warrick.

Lesbian-Identified Male: Heh. Got that from The L-Word. There was such a character in it. Played by Devon Gummersall, who played Brian in My So-Called Life. I was devotedly in love with Brian.


amazon_syren August 3 2006, 19:41:04 UTC
All I remember from "My So-Called Life is:
(A) Claire Danes having blood-red hair, and
(B) That blond girl getting hand-cuffed to a bed.
(C) And the 'Blister in the Sun' song. :-)

And, yeah: It's Warrick (I think. ;-)


ilthit August 3 2006, 19:53:54 UTC
I liked all three. :) And adored Brian.

Incidentally, Brian, if you can remember him, was the curly-haired geeky bitter genius next door who was in love with Angela and suffered silently as she was having a relationship with Jordan the prettyboy.


amazon_syren August 4 2006, 01:52:11 UTC
Hey... I *do* remember that guy!

Random: Gah! There's freaking fly in my office! Buzzing around and around, and I can *hear* it! Why can't it just land on a freaking wall and be *still*, godsdammit?? /random.


ilthit August 4 2006, 04:32:18 UTC
...I hate flies. Especially the loud ones.


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