Title: A Little Time To Relax
Prompt: holodeck
Fandom: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Pairing: Beverly Crusher/Deanna Troi
Rating: G
Word count: 186
Summary: Deanna finally convinces Beverly to relax...
The holodeck doors are locked, the two women locked inside are relaxed, for now. Deanna is smiling as she strokes Beverly's hair, content enough that Beverly is, at least, relaxing. Time had not exactly been kind to either of them, although Deanna was, thankfully, able to take comfort from the company of her friends. Beverly sighs, allows Deanna to stroke her hair out of her eyes and tries to hide how she feels. Confusion. Days spent on the holodeck with Deanna were pleasant, but she found that most of the time she started to question what she was to Deanna, friend? colleague? something more? Deanna may be an empath but she is very hard to read. Deanna, no doubt picking up on her confusion, smiles as she speaks.
"Just relax... try not to think so much..."
Deanna can tell Beverly is overthinking everything and, much as she herself isn't sure why she feels so protective of Beverly, she knows that she will do whatever it takes to help her relax and stop thinking it through, they can work it out later, when Beverly isn't so stressed.