Title: Just to Watch
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Just watch
Fandom: The Hunger Games
Pairing: Cressida/Johanna
Rating: R
Word count: 100
Johanna stopped as she noticed Cressida watching her from the doorway.
Neither of them said a word. They just looked at each other. Cressida slipped a compact camera from her pocket and pointed the lens at Johanna, a little red light came on.
"Come to join me?" Johanna asked.
"Just to watch."
Johanna smiled. Under the sheets she resumed what Cressida and interrupted.
Cressida watched. Johanna closed her eyes and after a few moments moaned softly. Cressida kept recording.
Johanna opened her eyes. She pushed away the sheets.
Naked under the gaze of Cressida and the camera Johanna touched herself.