Challenge 76 ~ Force

Jul 24, 2006 23:46

Title: Of Zippers And Dirty Mouths
Fandom: RPFS
Pairing: Kristin Chenoweth/Idina Menzel
Rating: PG-13 to be safe.
Word Count: 250
Author's Note: So, this is in honor of it being Kristin's birthday today. And also, this is supposed to be set after the opening night party for Wicked in NYC where there were many lovely Chenzel pictures taken. Cross-posted to girlie_girl_23.

Idina was already kissing Kristin before she got the door to her apartment fully closed. Her hands were roaming all over the black dress, trying desperately to find the zipper. "I swear Chenoweth, if you ever grab my breast in public again, you will seriously regret it."

Kristin tried to look innocent. "Did I do that?"

Idina rolled her eyes, then grinned as she found the zipper. She began to unzip the dress and got about half way down when -

"Oh I don't believe this!"

"What?" Kristin looked up at the brunette who appeared deep in concentration.

"The zipper's stuck."

"Don't force it, Dee." Kristin warned.

Idina tugged on the zipper. It didn't budge. "Damn it." She hissed under her breath.

"Idina Menzel, quit trying to force my zipper down, and let's not even start with your dirty mouth."

"You started this whole thing by groping me in public when I couldn't do anything about it. I'm planning on finishing what you started, so I will force your zipper if I have to. And as for my dirty mouth, I can bet I won't hear any complaints about it in a few minutes." With that, Idina grabbed the zipper and yanked down hard. A tearing noise could be heard.

"This was a new dress, Dee! You just had to force it."

"Shut up, Chenoweth. I'll buy you a new one." And with that Idina pushed the dress off the smaller woman's frame and kissed her with her 'dirty mouth'.

fandom: rpf, author: girlie_girl_23, challenge76

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