Title: Reawakened Author: Swan_Secrets Prompt: Kink Table "Troubled Hearts Series" - 14. Groups Fandom: Once Upon A Time Pairings: Kimi/Regina/Ruby Rating: NC-17 Word count: 250 Note: This is Part 21 of "Troubled Hearts"
21. oh a threesome, that's not easy to pull off. At least I find it difficult to write with all those hands, legs etc. - to describe the picture in your head without loosing the sexiness. You pulled it off perfectly. It was delicious! Regina and Ruby drag poor, innocent Kimi into the abyss. Oh wait, no, not feeling sorry for her *g* Also glad to see that Ruby is done feeling guilty. But I fear three is a growd and sooner or later it could mean trouble. 22. walk of shame. how terrible. I think we all know the feeling of being stared at and of hearing the whispers. you captured it very well. neat how you even worked Kimi into this one. Yeah, this whole thing with all parties involved is one big mess, loved that Belle and Emma kissed again despite it =) I'm damn curious to find out how the story continues and how it'll end.
Yes, threesomes/moresomes can be really tricky with so few words to play with, I'm glad you think it works! I'm sure Kimi had a good time ;)
I had fun writing the "Talk of the Town" trying to balance both Emma and Belle. This will be coming fairly quick, only 15 more prompts on the table to go ;) There are a few twists and turns coming that I'm interested to what reactions I get
Comments 4
22. walk of shame. how terrible. I think we all know the feeling of being stared at and of hearing the whispers. you captured it very well. neat how you even worked Kimi into this one. Yeah, this whole thing with all parties involved is one big mess, loved that Belle and Emma kissed again despite it =) I'm damn curious to find out how the story continues and how it'll end.
I had fun writing the "Talk of the Town" trying to balance both Emma and Belle. This will be coming fairly quick, only 15 more prompts on the table to go ;) There are a few twists and turns coming that I'm interested to what reactions I get
22. I love the sense of inevitability there, the way the last line is so matter of fact.
As ever I am super excited to find out what happens next. :D
I'm so thrilled you're enjoying this!
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