Drabbletag6, The Flash, Lisa/Caitlin, ice

Jul 23, 2015 14:35

Title: When Hell Froze Over
Author: Temari778
Fandom: The Flash
Pairing: Lisa/Caitlin
Rating: PG
Prompt: Ice
Word Count: 100
Requested by northern-impact

Caitlin dodges Lisa's attack, unable to remember much, but what she did remember was that that dark place had been cold. So cold.

Then suddenly, it hadn't been. The world seemed brighter than she recalled. And she no longer felt the cold, at least, not the bitter sting of it. It had become a part of her, it was in her veins, down to her marrow. It enveloped her, guided her.

Lisa chides her, fires again, and this time, Caitlin avoids it easily.

She feels the ice forming at her fingertips. She would kill Lisa if left no other choice.

drabbletag6, author: temari778, fandom: the flash

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