Title: For Me, It's Always You
clarahow //
blankspaceslayerbabe //
charleybradburies Prompts: Drabble Tag #6 (#58) // Karlie/Taylor: Lipstick Stain by
afterandalasiaFandom: RPF (Taylor Swift)
Pairing: Karlie Kloss/Taylor Swift (also ft. Meredith)
Rating: T
Word count: 250w
A/N: First time writing RPF. I've tried to stay away from writing real people, alas, well, you know. Disclaimer on the work.
Taylor's having some trouble finding the right words. Karlie's suggestion is a welcome interruption to her writing process. }
Title: Pretending It Could Last Forever
clarahow //
blankspaceslayerbabe //
charleybradburies Prompts: Drabble Tag #6 (#59) // Emma/Regina: Dancing to Taylor Swift Songs by
swan_secretsFandom: Once Upon a Time
Pairing: Emma Swan/Regina Mills (ft. Henry)
Rating: T
Word count: 250w
AU in which Regina actually tries to make "friends" with her son's birth mother and Emma is pleasantly surprised and Henry totally sees through it. }
Title: Armchair Best Friends
clarahow //
blankspaceslayerbabe //
charleybradburies Prompts: Drabble Tag #6 (#60!)// Jamie/Joan: Flirting by
demokaFandom: Elementary
Pairing: Jamie/Joan
Rating: T
Word count: 250w
Sherlock takes a turn being a friend to his best friend. }
*clears throat* AHEM I would just like to alert you all to the facts that it is my twentieth birthday today (7.21) and that I am loving being a part of this group and hope we continue to be as lovely as we have been to each other :)