Drabble Tag #6 // +3 Fills

Jul 21, 2015 01:46

Title: For Me, It's Always You
Author: clarahow // blankspaceslayerbabe // charleybradburies
Prompts: Drabble Tag #6 (#58) // Karlie/Taylor: Lipstick Stain by afterandalasia
Fandom: RPF (Taylor Swift)
Pairing: Karlie Kloss/Taylor Swift (also ft. Meredith)
Rating: T
Word count: 250w
A/N: First time writing RPF. I've tried to stay away from writing real people, alas, well, you know. Disclaimer on the work.

{ Taylor's having some trouble finding the right words. Karlie's suggestion is a welcome interruption to her writing process. }

Title: Pretending It Could Last Forever
Author: clarahow // blankspaceslayerbabe // charleybradburies
Prompts: Drabble Tag #6 (#59) // Emma/Regina: Dancing to Taylor Swift Songs by swan_secrets
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Pairing: Emma Swan/Regina Mills (ft. Henry)
Rating: T
Word count: 250w

{ AU in which Regina actually tries to make "friends" with her son's birth mother and Emma is pleasantly surprised and Henry totally sees through it. }

Title: Armchair Best Friends
Author: clarahow // blankspaceslayerbabe // charleybradburies
Prompts: Drabble Tag #6 (#60!)// Jamie/Joan: Flirting by demoka
Fandom: Elementary
Pairing: Jamie/Joan
Rating: T
Word count: 250w

{ Sherlock takes a turn being a friend to his best friend. }

*clears throat* AHEM I would just like to alert you all to the facts that it is my twentieth birthday today (7.21) and that I am loving being a part of this group and hope we continue to be as lovely as we have been to each other :)

drabbletag6, fandom: elementary, author: clarahow, fandom: rpf, fandom: once upon a time

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