Challenge 76 Force

Jul 21, 2006 07:45

As usual these are all much more morose than I was originally anticipating - today I am totally blaming that on the fact that I am sick (I realise that I don’t have that excuse all the other times that I write morose drabbles but I am in firm denial about that right now).

Title - Serve and Protect
Fandom - Law and Order SVU
Pairing - Alex/Olivia
Rating - PG13ish (maybe less)
Word Count - 100

To Serve and Protect

Contrary to what people think, I did not join the police force to atone for the sins of my father. Those things can not be forgiven, can not be erased, they are immutable. Becoming an officer was about defending against my own dark side, finding an outlet for worrying violent tendencies. I needed to make a difference, needed to know that there was goodness in me. None of that is important anymore. I know for certain that no matter how hard I try it will never be enough, because I couldn’t keep Alex safe, because I couldn’t keep Alex here.

x-posted to alex_liv_lovers

Title - Restraints
Fandom - Angel
Pairing - Lilah/Kate
Rating - Rish I guess
Word Count - 100


Lilah will never do what the detective wants. She’s never been a fan of bondage but she needs Lilah to tie her up, needs it to not be her fault that she is doing these things with Satan’s handmaiden. Sometimes Lilah will chain her to the bed, her handcuffs have never felt so useful, but she won’t force herself on Kate, she will leave her naked and tethered until Kate pleads, until she begs. Her hate for Lilah has only grown since they started this thing and the feeling is probably mutual but that only makes Kate want her more.

Title - Spellbound
Fandom - Wicked - Musicalverse
Pairing - Elphaba/Glinda
Rating - PG13 I guess
Word Count - 100


Sometimes this gift, this curse, is more powerful a force than she could ever imagine. She finds it hard to come up with an explanation, other than sorcery, that would account for that fact that she and Glinda have become friends. It would be better to think that the blonde’s feelings for her are real but she’s not too proud to accept that she may have won over Glinda by accidentally bewitching her. Still, she’s not as powerful as she needs to be, what does it matter if she can defy gravity if she can’t make Glinda kiss her goodbye?

Title - Vectors
Fandom - House
Pairing - Stacy/Cuddy
Rating - low grade Rish
Word Count - 100


Stacy crashes from one coupling to another as though her relationships are pool balls colliding at random. The table is fixed though and no matter what angles are applied her ball always rolls back to House’s. You know this and you also know that you should tell her to stop because you have feelings invested here, you should try to protect yourself but the lips on your neck and the hands on your breasts apparently have the power to erase the word ‘stop’ from your vocabulary. You can’t protest, so you just remove your shirt to give her easier access.

fandom: angel, author: faithinthepoor, fandom: law & order: svu, fandom: wicked, fandom: house, challenge76

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