Title: Conversations With Bratty and Ever-Watchful AIs
Fandom: Person of Interest
Pairing: Root/Shaw
Rating: G
Word Count: 231
A/N: Prompt is sex tape as requested by swan_secrets. But please be aware, this is more cracky than sexy. And even then, not that cracky.
‘If you don’t delete that video, you can start referring to me as Sarah Connor and yourself as Skynet.’
A long blip, a short blip and three long blips were her only response. Shaw clutched a fist. She inhaled deeply to calm herself.
‘Don’t give me that. Get rid of it.’
‘Sameen? What’s going on?’
‘Nothing. Just having a disagreement.’
‘With Her? What’s going on? What are you two disagreeing about?’ asked Root, genuinely confused as Shaw and The Machine had always gotten along well enough before this very moment.
‘Did you know that she records everything we do?’
Root tilted her head and scrunched her brows in confusion, ‘Yes. That is how she learns. She records and remembers everything. This isn’t new information, Sameen.’
‘Everything Root. And apparently she replays it,’ said Shaw. ‘Like last night.’
Root’s eyes widen in understanding, ‘Oh!’
‘Oh Sweetie, I didn’t realise that you were so shy,’ remarked Root, grinning.
‘I’m not shy! But I think that some things should be kept private! What if She develops a mean streak and sends a video to Reese? Or Finch for fuck’s sake?’ demanded Shaw.
Root eyed the nearby camera, ‘She would never do such a thing.’
And it was a single blink, but Shaw swore that The Machine had just winked at her.