Kink Cycle - Once Upon A Time - Regina/Ruby, Breath and Clothing

Jul 11, 2015 17:23

Title: Just Coffee
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Kink Table "Troubled Hearts Series" - 8. Breath
Fandom: Once Upon A Time
Pairings: Regina/Ruby
Rating: G
Word count: 250
Note: This is Part 15 of "Troubled Hearts" )

A mixture of pink and white roses were waiting for her on the doorstep of the diner. Ruby had yet to identify her mystery admirer. She picked up the vase they were in and took a deep sniff.

"You like them?"

Ruby turned to find Regina standing a short distance away from her. She looked down at the flowers, then at Regina. Regina had been the one leaving them. "Yes," she nodded. "They're beautiful, but why have you been giving me flowers?"

"You looked sad, I hoped they might make you feel a little better. Especially since it's my fault."

"It was my fault. I was the one with the girlfriend."

Regina nodded. "I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry for my part in it." She turned to walk back to the street.

"Wait," Ruby said. Regina stopped and turned back. "Do you," Ruby felt her hear beating faster and for a second couldn't catch her breath. "Do you want to come in for coffee? As a thank you?"

Regina, internally thrilled that she was getting what she wanted, hesitated as if she was unsure. "I'd like that," she said finally.

Ruby led her in, breathing had become something she needed to concentrate on. She put the vase of flowers down on the counter and went around it to start the coffee. Regina took a seat on a stool in front of the counter.

Ruby, facing away from Regina, caught her breath. It's just coffee, she told herself.

Title: The Other Drawer
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Kink Table "Troubled Hearts Series" - 9. Clothing
Fandom: Once Upon A Time
Pairings: Regina/Ruby
Rating: G
Word count: 250
Note: This is Part 16 of "Troubled Hearts" )

Ruby was up bright and early. After showering she returned to her room to get dressed.

She opened her underwear drawer. Then she stopped. She closed it and opened the drawer beneath it. Her sexy underwear drawer. She hadn't opened this drawer since Belle had caught her in bed with Regina. She hadn't felt wanted or desirable. She had felt ashamed.

From the drawer she took out a red thong trimmed with black lace. She stepped into it and drew it up her legs.

Ruby looked at herself in her full length mirror. It looked good on her. It felt good on her. It was silly how such a simple act could make her feel so different.

She put on the rest of her clothes and did her make-up. She looked as she did every morning. But she didn't feel like she did every morning.

When she arrived at the diner Regina was waiting.

"Here for coffee?" Ruby asked.

"Yes," Regina smiled.

Ruby was unsure. She wondered if she was really wearing the underwear for herself. She resolved that she was.

She opened up the diner and she made coffee for Regina. She realised that she felt sexy and desirable not just because of what she was wearing under her clothes. The flowers. The way Regina looked at her.

After what she had done to Belle it would be unthinkable to ever be with Regina again.

It was just coffee.

It was just underwear.

Nothing more. It couldn't ever be.

author: swan_secrets, drabble cycle: kinks, fandom: once upon a time

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