Susan/Delenn; Babylon 5 for challenge466, Dead

Jul 10, 2015 07:15

  TITLE: Little Deaths (or cultural practices as pertaining to the recently departed).
  PROMPT: Challenge466, Dead.
  FANDOM: Babylon 5
  PAIRING: Susan Ivanova/Ambassador Delenn
  RATING: PG-13 (for caution's sake)
  SUMMARY: Delenn and Susan bond over the Ambassador's new human hair in the months after Talia's loss.

It took longer than either of them expected but, after Talia - left, Susan began to appreciate those times when Delenn still needed her help with her hair.
   They chatted, sometimes they listened to each other's music; Delenn adored Klezmer, to which they danced vigorously on more than one occasion. Often then they shared a bath; excuse enough to do the hair again, though having Delenn slowly learn to take care of her own hair; through helping Susan with hers, was a risk.
   It helped them both in many ways; Susan began to open up about her feelings for Talia; her regret that they'd never gone beyond friendship. Delenn taught her meditation techniques; Susan taught her massage. Delenn appreciated most when Susan attended her ridges.
   Then the night came when Susan didn't return to her own quarters, and they both learned more of each other's cultures than strict diplomacy usually permitted.

Goddess watch over us all,
  'tis ok to be Takei,
  kerk tehkek

author: kerkevik_2014, challenge466, fandom: babylon 5

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