Challenge 465 - Rhythm, Nashville, Sadie/Rayna

Jun 29, 2015 21:26

Title: Rhythm And Words
Prompt: 465 - Rhythm
Fandom: Nashville
Pairing: Sadie Stone/Rayna Jaymes
Rating: G
Word count: 101
Summary: Sadie finally realizes she needs more from Rayna.

Sadie smiled as she watched Rayna work the stage, she was the type of performer who let the rhythm take full control of her and yet... she wanted so much more. She wanted everything. Rayna was smiling as she came off stage, moving to kiss Sadie, her words gentle.

"Nothin' but rhythm and words..."

"Never seen it done so well."

Sadie's smirk is clear as she pulls Rayna closer, kissing her again.

"So, you want to party... or should we go make our own music?"


Rayna smirks, playing lazily with Sadie's hair.

"I always enjoy making music with you babe..."

author: femme_slash_fan, challenge465, fandom: nashville

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