Drabble Tag #6: Margaery/Sansa: Confession

Jun 25, 2015 22:05

Title: Falling Apart at Half-Time
Author: clarahow // agentroxylancelots // charleybradburies
Prompts: Drabble Tag #6 (#21): Margaery/Sansa: Confession by vitiate_me
+ writerverse challenge #9: Drabble Tree
+ Drabble Cycle #11: Kinks: Table 30A #13: Food
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire / Game of Thrones
Pairing: Margaery/Sansa
Rating: T
Word count: 100w
Summary: Sansa isn't used to parties like the Tyrells'.
Notes: currently a comment!fic in conjunction with another comm challenge. I'll be making an LJ masterpost of these drabbles, and they will be up on ao3 at a later date.
Title from the Fall Out Boy song 'Dance, Dance.'

this drabble is NINTH on this masterlist.

@ vitiate_me: if this is not to your liking, please feel free to tell me. I don't know that I included the 'confession' prompt as well as I could have.

fandom: game of thrones, drabbletag6, drabble cycle: kinks, fandom: a song of ice and fire, author: clarahow

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