Drabbletag6, Crossover: Tenko/Doctor Who, Blanche/Female!Doctor, hope

Jun 23, 2015 14:59

Title: A Glimmer Of Hope
Prompt: Hope
Fandom: Crossover, Tenko/Doctor Who
Pairing: Blanche/Female!Doctor
Rating: G
Word count: 186
Summary: For both Blanche and the Doctor, a new friend brings new help...

Blanche had been tied to the pole for what felt like weeks, she knew it was less and yet, she dreaded each new moment of pain. She had closed her eyes, struggling to remain standing but knowing that if she sat she would be further punished. She was unaware of someone moving behind her until she felt warm hands at her wrists, untying her, her body slumping to the ground as the ties came loose. Her eyes flickered open just long enough to catch a glimpse of brown hair and kind hazel eyes. She fainted.

When she next woke she was settled on a soft bed, the feeling of silk sheets under her giving her a reason to smile. She was free. The bed creaked and she felt the edge dip, her eyes flying open instantly, her breath catching in her throat. She was safe. The woman's eyes were kind and, when she finally touched Blanche's cheek there was a tenderness there.

"Who are you?"

"You can call me Hope.."

"Is that your name?"

"People call me the Doctor..."

Blanche smiled slightly.

"So you are real..."

author: femme_slash_fan, drabbletag6, crossover, fandom: tenko, fandom: doctor who

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