Title: Swordsong Prompt: Drabbletag 1: Lord of the Rings - Arwen/Éowyn Requested by: frogfrizz Fandom: Lord of the Rings Pairing: Arwen/Éowyn Rating: G Word Count: 100 Also on AO3.
Mmmm, delicious simmering tension between them, and I don't know what I love more, the gorgeous descriptions of Arwen's movements, or the fact that you went all the way back to Drabbletag 1 with this one! XD
Since somebody kindly provided links to previous rounds, I didn't think it would do to let the old prompts go to waste. :p
And thank you! Tolkien was both my first literature love (at about four) and my first fandom (at about fourteen!) so it feels great to be coming back to it, even a little.
*happysigh* Sparring is always hot, especially when it's learning new techniques. But I do love the idea of this and can hear them both so clearly, feel their movements.
Comments 9
And thank you! Tolkien was both my first literature love (at about four) and my first fandom (at about fourteen!) so it feels great to be coming back to it, even a little.
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