
Jun 19, 2006 10:34

Two more (at the last minute) for Challenge 71. :-)

Fandom: Discworld (MR)
Pairing: Polly/Mal
Challenge: 71 - Caffeine.
Word Count: 100
Rating: G


Mal is watching Polly.
She is always watching Polly, it seems.
This time, she watches through a cloud of steam.
Polly rakes her hand through her short hair, brushing it out of her face irritably, and Mal thinks longingly of running her fingers through those golden curls.
She sips from her cup, and holds the hot liquid in her mouth, relishing the taste, even though it burns her tongue briefly - it doesn't matter much. She'll heal before she takes another sip.
Mal breaths the bitter scent of coffee, and wishes she could breath the sweet scent of Polly's skin instead.


Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/Catherine
Challenge: 71 - Caffeine
Word Count: 150
Rating: G


Did she sleep here all night? Catherine wonders.
She'd come into the lunch room to get a cup of coffee - she's still getting used to working the swing shift - only to find Sara asleep at the table, her head pillowed on her arm.
It's funny how the sharpness of her features softens when she's asleep.
Catherine can't help thinking of her daughter, Lindsay. She pokes her head into Lindsay's room, some nights, just to watch her sleeping.
Without thinking, Catherine reaches out, brushes a strand of dark hair out of the woman's eyes.
Sara jolts awake at the touch, and Catherine pulls her hand away, quickly.
"How long were you asleep?" she asks, trying to be casual.
Sara tilts her head until she hears the kink pop.
She squints at the microwave clock.
"Oh, god," she mutters. "Not long enough."
"You want some coffee?"
She nods. "That'd be good."


Questions? Comments? :-)

fandom: discworld, fandom: csi vegas, author: amazon_syren, challenge71

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