Drabble Tag #6 // +2 // Avengers & Kingsman

Jun 14, 2015 04:47

Title: who is the Queen and things of that Nature
Author: clarahow // agentroxylancelots // charleybradburies
Prompt: Drabble Tag #6: Roxy/Tilde: Saving the Day from elasticella
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Roxy/Tilde
Rating: M
Word count: 250w
Come on, we all know Roxy is the realest hero here, right?

Title: red (n.)
Author: clarahow // agentroxylancelots // charleybradburies
Prompt: Drabble Tag #6: Natasha/Wanda: Red from salmon_pink
Fandom: Avengers / MCU
Pairing: Natasha/Wanda
Rating: E
Word count: 250w
1. any of various colors resembling the color of blood; the primary color at one extreme end of the visible spectrum, an effect of light with a wavelength between 610 and 780 nanometers.
2. something red.
3. (often initial capital letter) Older Slang: Usually Disparaging. a radical leftist in politics, especially a Communist.

A) It looks like there's not a tag for the Avengers fandom yet.
B) I haven't been as prolific as I'd like to be but I have started a writing-focused blog (I've had one for my own writing, which I kind of sometimes update, but this one is actually about inspiration and tips and stuff. If anyone's interested, it's thewritethingdaily @ tumblr.
C) We were posting comments on the first post, but now that they're divided alphabetically, are we still doing that? Are we commenting on the first post or on whichever is relevant based on the alphabetization of the fandom names? xx

drabbletag6, fandom: marvel cinematic universe, author: clarahow, fandom: marvel, fandom: kingsman

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