
Jun 12, 2006 03:42

Tittle: Hands
Fandom: Blade:Trinity
Pairing: Whistler/Summerfield
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 100

She always began the same way. With my face. Then slowly traveling down the lenth of my body. Her hands covering every inch, mapping it, seeing it. Every new scar or hurt committed to memory. When she was done she would come back to my face. Retracing her earlier explorations. Claiming what she wanted not only with her hands, but with her mouth. telling me with her hands what we were both afraid to say out loud. Now its to late to say anything. As I drift off to sleep I can still feel her telling me I Love You.

Tittle: Diamond Dust
Fandom: Lost World
Pairing: Marguerite/Veronica
Rating: PG
Word Count: 111

" Marguerite, what right did you have to send Roxton and Malone all the way to the Plains of Dust just to get you some sand."
"My dear, dear Veronica, it wasn't just sand. I sent them for. It was diamond dust. Anyway I wanted them away from here."
"Don't mess with me Marguerite. Why send them?"
" Why Veronica I have plans. As you know the Tree-House doesn't have any walls."
" What does that have to do with sending them away?"
Walking towards Veronica she pins her against the table. Leaning forward she whispers into her ear.
" I really don't like sharing. And I remember how loud you got last time."

challenge67, author: loridragus, fandom: blade, fandom: lost world, challenge70, challenge68

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