Title: Unexplained Prompt: Drabble Cycle 6: Once Upon a Time: Emma/Lily - First Requested by: xjadedgrlx Fandom: Once Upon a Time Pairing: Lily | Lilith Page/Emma Swan Rating: G Word Count: 100 Also on AO3.
These two have such a complicated history, and you managed to capture the essence of it in 100 words. You, my dear, are simply marvelous! Seriously though, Lily is the one person I really ship with Emma, and the fact that you've managed to write such a wonderful story about them makes me so happy (because there is not enough Emma/Lily out there). <3
Oh, thank you so much! I really fell for this pairing, and it sort of saddens me that it's come so far in the show because I think it could have really taken off in earlier seasons. But the the Black Swan shippers (is that the name that took off? I'm out of sync with that format of ship name) can play still!
Aw, thank you! It wasn't until I was writing this that I thought, crap, there are similarities to Neal there. And Emma's issues run deep, but I think that Lily was supposed to be portrayed as one of the first really deep ones, one of the first times that Emma let herself care enough for it to really hurt.
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