Drabble Tag Round 6 - Intro Post and Unfilled Prompts S-Crossover

Jun 08, 2015 10:06

Hey there femslashers! As promised yesterday, here is the first post for Drabble Tag 6. As a new mod, I'm excited to start it up and see what sort of fics we can create. Below the cut are the rules and info about how Drabble Tag works, courtesy of olivia_j from the last round.

Drabble Tag Rules )

drabbletag6, admin

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clarahow June 9 2015, 15:24:20 UTC
Awesome! I used to not like putting things into collections idk, but now I'm super into making sure I can get my work as far out there as possible lol.

:) Wonderful!


femme_slash_fan June 23 2015, 19:50:21 UTC
LOL. I'm still such a chicken about putting my stuff into collections.


clarahow June 23 2015, 20:57:56 UTC
To each their own (but, I have a femslash collection I made permanently back when I was running a proper femslash blog, and if you want to put your stuff in that you can/should totally do so! I try to remember to put my own femslash works there, and when I read femslash that I'm bookmarking, I put it there too - it's Femslash_DailyRec) <3


femme_slash_fan June 23 2015, 21:02:55 UTC
I might just do that. I'm just shy about posting to the femslash_100 one cause so many aren't even known.


clarahow June 24 2015, 04:51:15 UTC
What's not known? je suis confuse.


femme_slash_fan June 24 2015, 17:38:03 UTC
My fandoms.


clarahow June 24 2015, 18:58:05 UTC
Oh, as in they're unpopular? You could still spread the word! xx


femme_slash_fan June 24 2015, 22:06:07 UTC
True. I need more people to hurry up and watch Nashville already, I swear.


clarahow June 25 2015, 03:07:34 UTC
lmao. what is Nashville about? all I know is that a) there's drama b) it's named after if not set in the capital city of the state of tennessee and c) there are some femslash pairings involved...is it on Netflix?


femme_slash_fan June 25 2015, 12:29:26 UTC
It isn't in the UK one :( It's on E4 though and I know HMV has the DVDs


femme_slash_fan June 25 2015, 12:29:46 UTC
But it's about the Music business and country music but it's like 99% gay bait.


clarahow June 27 2015, 23:32:05 UTC
I see...hmm.


femme_slash_fan June 28 2015, 15:32:47 UTC
I kinda love it as trash tv.


clarahow June 28 2015, 17:08:50 UTC
Aaaaah. Gotcha.


lanalucy June 23 2015, 21:04:24 UTC
Oooh. Thank you for mentioning this. I haven't written much for either of the drabble tags, but I do write femslash for femslash100. It's nice to have somewhere else to "collect" it, too. :D


clarahow June 24 2015, 04:53:13 UTC
if you want the 'official' comm collections, there are ones for those (just femslash100 and I think the drabble tag one is like...I don't remember what it says but it comes up when you type in femslash100 so...there's also a comm tag for femslash100)
feel free to use my collection! the idea was basically to collect as much femslash as I could lmao so the more the merrier!!! xx


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