Drabble Tag Round 6 - Intro Post and Unfilled Prompts S-Crossover

Jun 08, 2015 10:06

Hey there femslashers! As promised yesterday, here is the first post for Drabble Tag 6. As a new mod, I'm excited to start it up and see what sort of fics we can create. Below the cut are the rules and info about how Drabble Tag works, courtesy of olivia_j from the last round.

Drabble Tag Rules )

drabbletag6, admin

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crookedspoon June 8 2015, 16:48:07 UTC
Ooh, so excited!

Just a couple of questions beforehand:

1) Do we *have* to leave two prompts, or can we leave 0-2? (This is more relevant for when this has taken off, because of course we need a couple of prompts in the beginning)

2) Can we fill prompts from previous drabbletags, and/or refer to previous prompts instead of leaving prompts ourselves (i.e. re-prompt them if we mention the original prompter)?

3) Can you leave a link to the original request thread even when the prompt has been filled? It would make double filling easier, if that's still allowed.

4) If we double fill, are we still allowed/supposed to leave two prompts?

5) How often are we allowed to tell you you're awesome before it becomes too much? ;D

Thank you!


fresh_brainss June 8 2015, 18:21:27 UTC
Thanks for the questions!

1) You can leave 2 prompts, 1 prompt, or none at all! Totally up to you.

2) I suppose you can fill prompts from previous Drabble Tags, but I probably won't list them in the unfilled prompts category because that would take a really long time. However, if you fill them and link back to the original, I will certainly put them in the filled prompts list.

3) Yes, I can definitely do that!

4) Absolutely!

5) Please, keep it coming. <3

Hope this helps! Let me know if I can do anything else, and happy writing.


phoenixfalls June 10 2015, 03:48:19 UTC
A follow-up to #2: How should we link to make your life easiest, if we're filling a prompt from a previous round? Beyond posting the fill in the comm, do you want a comment in this post with a link to the fill and the original prompt? Should we comment on the original prompt too? And can/should we leave prompts when filling an old prompt? I feel this may be getting abstract, so an example:

Say I'm filling a prompt from round 5. I post my fill in the comm, and that post includes a link to the prompt from round 5 but is tagged drabbletag6, right? And then I post a comment on the original prompt so the prompter knows it was filled, AND a comment here on the main drabbletag6 post linking to the fill? And in the comment here I post 0-2 prompts that get added to the unfilled list here?

(I still have a couple half-finished fills from the last round and would love to polish them up for this round. Also, I can't write any of the prompts in this round yet because I don't know any of these fandoms/characters, and I'm itching to take part!)


fresh_brainss June 10 2015, 04:02:10 UTC
Hey there! As for your question about past prompts--yes, it would be easiest if you posted a link to your fill here. The link to the original prompt isn't needed since I'm not linking the original prompter in the fills list. It might be nice for the prompter if you commented on the old post as well, since they might not see it here at first.

And yes, it can be tagged drabbletag 6, and yes, you can post your 0-2 prompts here as well. I hope I answered your question and didn't confuse you further!


phoenixfalls June 10 2015, 14:33:48 UTC
Awesome! Hopefully I can get started today after work!


crookedspoon June 10 2015, 18:07:09 UTC
That's very helpful, especially with the answer to the follow-up question. Just... I can't see the links to the request threads in the filled prompts list?


fresh_brainss June 10 2015, 18:09:43 UTC
Yeah, sorry about that...I've been trying to play with it, but honestly, it takes a long time to do the linking and it takes up a lot of space in the fill list. I'm not sure it's the best option. If you have any specific prompts in mind for double-filling I'd be happy to hunt the threads out for you, though!


crookedspoon June 10 2015, 18:36:18 UTC
I can see how it takes up a lot of space. Would creating a list elsewhere, like on Google Sheets as I've seen other challenges do, help with the space problem? I mean, last time we had a gazillion of prompts spread out over several posts. I imagine that must have been a huge administrative effort.

Anyway, if it's only for me, then don't it's fine. Thanks so much for your offer, but I wouldn't want to impose on any more of your time! I'm tracking the thread now and will simply keep all the intersting prompts. :)


fresh_brainss June 10 2015, 20:25:19 UTC
Hm, that's not a bad idea. I'll tell you what--I'll look into it this weekend and see what I can do!


write_x_always August 8 2015, 17:44:52 UTC
Question: I've been reading some news about the new season of Agents of SHIELD, and next season Skye will be changing her name to Daisy Johnson (to honour her father). So, in the prompts should she be called Daisy or Skye?

(sorry if this makes no sense)


clarahow August 8 2015, 18:10:24 UTC
I'm going with continuing to call her Skye for now, generally Skye Johnson, or Skye (Daisy) Johnson. If/when on screen next season we see her explicitly state she'd rather be called Daisy then I'd guess we should change it, but I personally feel it would be premature to do so now.


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