Challenges 68, 64, 63, 62, & 61.

Jun 03, 2006 17:52

[Edit: I seem to be having some trouble with the tag-system...]

Fandom: Discworld (MR)
Pairing: Lofty/Tonker
Challenge: 61: Night
Rating: G
Word Count: 100

I strike a match in the darkness - Amber-gold flame springs to life, dancing in my cupped hands. I hold her, listening to the whisper of her crackling voice, until she gets too close and, fingers singed, I have to let her go. I watch her fall to the sodden earth. I watch her die.
Beside me, my Magda breaths again.
I smile at her.
Our first night of freedom!
Not free enough. We're still too close to the grey house, barely into the mountains outside of town, too easy to find - I know she's right: We can't afford a fire.

Fandom: Discworld (MR)
Pairing: Mal/Polly
Challenge: 62: Day
Rating: G
Word Count: 112

Sunrise - with its tingling touch, and the slight blurring of my senses that comes with it. Funny how the smell of coffee sharpens them again, just like blood used to do. (Just like it still does, if I'm honest).
Not that sleeping in that shed - or not sleeping, rather - is making this morning any easier.
If there'd been a rafter or something in there, I might have been able to manage it but no. No rafter, no window to let the night wind in, and so no sleep for me.
I stayed up half the night watching the others.
Shufti, Lofty, Wazzer, Tonker, Igor... Ozzer.
I wonder what her real name is.

Fandom: Discworld (MR)
Pairing: Tonker/Lofty
Challenge: 63: Sight
Rating: G
Word Count: 100

So this is Plun...
Not much to see.
We got into town - such as it is, but that makes it easier... fewer people to watch us and catch us out - just after sun-rise.
We slept in an old barn. Empty. Not a straw left on the floor. But we had each other, and kept warm that way.
Now I can see the recruiter's cart down the road, ratty banner drooping on its pole, outside the inn. Better get moving again.
I watch Tilda sleeping a moment more - no nightmares today, that's good - and then wake her gently.
Time to go.

Fandom: Discworld (MR)
Pairing: Polly/Mal (From an OC's perspective)
Challenge: 64: Hearing
Rating: PG13
Word Count: ~240

Anna walked by room seventeen again, pausing briefly to listen at the door. She'd heard the bedsprings creaking inside earlier that morning and had been rather surprised. At fifteen, Anna considered herself fairly worldly, working at an inn as large as the Sweet Beet and having a suitor besides. She had a good idea about what those sounds meant, but was used to hearing them in the evening, or late at night. This had been at ten in the morning.
The noise seemed to have stopped, for now, so she went on her way.
As she got closer to the bathing room, she realized she could hear splashing coming from inside.
"Fresh towels," she announced, pushing open the door.
Anna stared.
One of the large wooden bathing tubs was brim-full of suds, some of which had slopped over the side and onto the stone floor. Two people, one up to the elbows in the other's hair, stared back at her.
One of them - the one getting her hair washed - blushed crimson at the sight of her.
The other - a dark haired (Anna wasn't that worldly, and in any case, there were a lot of suds) with awfully pale skin - gave her the most penetrating stare she'd ever seen.
"Something you wanted?" He asked.
She looked from one to the other.
"...I'll just leave these here," she said, depositing the towels on a near-by shelf. "Enjoy your bath."

Fandom: Discworld (MR)
Pairing: Mal/OC
Challenge: 68: Dust
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 185

The room is dusty. That could be a problem.
I can see the footprints I've made already, sharp pointed toes followed by the dots of stiletto heels. There will be another set of footprints joining them shortly. After that, who knows what will follow.
Cobwebs cling to the walls - no safety there. Too easy to find our way back to the salon not realizing that the evidence of our crime is clinging to our gowns.
I hear the click of the latch, and my breath catches in my throat despite myself. I sniff the air, and know it's her - even before the door opens, even over all this dust - I can tell her scent anywhere.
"I came as soon as I could," she whispers, catching me in her arms as the door swings shut behind her.
"Not soon enough!" I murmur, pulling her close, long red hair spilling over my arms. "I haven't been able to think straight since you left."
"I missed you," she says, and her eyes say Kiss me!
"I missed you," I tell her, and claim her mouth for my own.


Please comment extensively. I love feedback, yes I do! :-D

author: amazon_syren, challenge64, challenge63, fandom: discworld, challenge61, challenge68, challenge70, challenge62

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