Title: Bring the Heart Back
Author: Temari778
Fandom: Steven Universe
Pairing: Pearl/Rose Quartz
Rating: G
Prompt: #456: Gentle
Word Count: 150
Pearl's first thought that morning, still half-asleep is, Rose don't go. Not yet.
Her second thought, now fully awake is, You are gone. And there is no changing it.
Pearl sits up in bed, the mattress and her neck creaking at the same time. She stares down at her hands, her fingernails round and trimmed. The dream lingers in the back of her mind, could for some reason only remember the smell, the smell of Rose's body, not her floral scent, but something much sweeter, but gentle to Pearl's nose. Foreign.
Pearl swings her legs over the side of the bed, sighing. Even after all this time, all she could do is still admire Rose's self-less act of giving away her life for Steven's.
She stands up and stretches, letting out a small groan as her muscles are pulled free from their knots. Rose Quartz, she thinks, before stepping outside.