(no subject)

May 28, 2006 11:38

Title: Lost
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Starbuck/Roslin
Rating: PG
Word count: 200
Spoilers: Lay Down Your Burdens

Kara watched the older woman from a safe distance. From her hidden vantage point she could watch her emerge from the school tent smiling fondly at the young boy who was excitedly explaining something to his teacher, waving his arms wildly to make a point. Laura ruffled his hair in an affectionate manner before sending him running off home.

Kara watched as Laura, thinking herself unobserved, stretched, gently rolling her head to work out the kinks, then brushed her hands through her hair, allowing it to fall back into a less ordered pattern. That was one of the things Kara remembered, the texture of her hair as it brushed against her as Laura leant forward to kiss her, her ritual prelude to passion.

But that was before, when she was Kara’s. Before New Caprica, before her marriage, when she’d been happy just being with Laura. She’s always thought that she was brave, that she took chances, stood out of the crowd. But that was just a front. When it came down to the wire, she’d picked the safe option. The one that wouldn’t raise any eyebrows, cause any sarcastic comments. She’s chosen to be Starbuck. Viper pilot. Fighter. Hero. Cliché.

Title: Family
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Roslin/Maya
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Spoilers: Lay Down Your Burdens

Maya sang happily to herself as she prepared the evening meal. Isis gurgled happily to herself on the bed as they waited for Laura to come home. Before the Cylons attacked she’d been content. Not happy, she realised, but content. Life was like vanilla ice cream, bland, smooth, but still satisfying.

Now, despite the cold, rain, lack of adequate provisions and being stuck on this Gods forsaken rock of a planet, like was Rocky Road ice cream, full of texture, flavour and hidden sensations. And all this because of one woman and a small child. Laura and Isis. Her family.

Title: Watching
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Roslin/Six
Rating: PG
Word count: 200
Spoilers: Lay Down Your Burdens

Hidden, Six watched the former President emerge from the tent. Saw Kara Thrace watch her, a look of longing on her face. Watched the woman head toward the home she shared with Maya and saw the brief glimpse of envy and pain in the woman’s face. And understood the emotions because that was how she felt.

Laura Roslin collected knowledge and held secrets that the rest of the humans were unaware of. She was dangerous, not because of what she knew, but because of what she was, what she did. She unravelled the texture of reality around her. Prophet, maybe, cypher, perhaps. Maybe even mad as some had suggested.

She made connections that others did not see, and put down to Gods induced visions. But Six knew that Roslin didn’t believe in the Gods. That she made things happen because of what she was. What neither Six, nor her God knew, was quite what that was. Leoban, before she had killed him had looked into her eyes, and seen something there. Something coiled, waiting. It had scared and fascinated him. Just as she had.

Roslin shouldn’t have lost the election. Not unless she wanted to. And that made Six nervous.

fandom: battlestar galactica, author: selenay_x, challenge69

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