
Apr 15, 2015 02:03

Title: click
Prompt: Challenge #454: click.
Fandom: MsLabelled
Pairing: Ella/Alanna
Rating: K
Word count: 247
Summary: She has the kind of beauty that demands to be witnessed. - Ella/Alanna, coffee shop au.


She doesn't want to be noticed, but she's the only one who ever uses the desktop computer, and she has the kind of beauty that demands to be witnessed.

The constant click of the keyboard is like a melody, and you tap the rhythm with your pen on the counter as you wait for customers.

You walk over to her, just to clear the place up, and definitely not because you need an excuse to talk to her.

"You done here?" You ask.

"Sorry." She sounds tired."Can I get another coffee please?"

"Sure thing."

You are about to leave, when she says "Have we met before?"

"No. I would've remembered." You place the tray down on the counter top.

"Wait, are you Xander Vintage?" She asks.

"Yeah, well, it's Alanna, actually." You answer in surprise, because you're hardly ever recognized for your blog, and much less recognized by cute girls.

"Right. Wow. Hi, I'm Ella." She offers you her hand, and you shake it. "I am a huge fan and follower, and ah, a fledgling blogger. Emphasis on the fledgling part."

"Awesome. What's your blog called?"

"Uh, MsLabelled." She says.

"Wait, you've been commenting on my posts lately, right? I remember."

"Yes, I-“

A new customer arrives.

"I'm sorry, but I gotta go. I'll see you around, yeah?"

"Definitely." Ella says with a grin. “I’ve got work. Love your hair, by the way.”

“Thanks.” Your smile is genuine.

“Bye.” She says, and even her wave is adorable.



challenge454, fandom: mslabelled, author: write_x_always

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