Kink Cycle, The Flash, Caitlin/Iris - Altered States

Apr 06, 2015 12:52

Title: Drinking Buddies
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Kink Table "Rare Pairs" - 1. Altered States
Fandom: The Flash
Pairings: Caitlin Snow/Iris West
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 250
Note: Can I get a fandom: the flash tag?

"Thank you so much for stumbling home with me," Caitlin said, swaying at the front door of her apartment.

"What kind of drinking buddy would I be if I didn't?" Iris smiled.

"I had a great time, it was just what I needed."

"Me too," Iris said, "it's nice to just..."

"Get drunk and perv on boys."

"I was not perving!" Iris protested.

"You totally were. You were getting perved on plenty yourself."

"Now I know you're bullshitting," Iris rolled her eyes.

"You were!" Caitlin insisted. "Have you seen your butt in that dress? It looks," she made a squeezing motion with her hands, "awesome."

"You think my ass looks awesome?"

"Uh, well, I, uh..."

"Now you're blushing," Iris teased. "That's actually really cute."

"It is? I was thinking it was more horrifically embarrassing."

"No. Definitely cute."

Iris stepped in closer. Caitlin had a sudden moment of clarity where she had the unmistakable feeling that Iris was about to...

Iris gently pressed her lips to Caitlin's. She abruptly pulled back. "Sorry. I guess I had more to drink than I thought I should probably..."

"Come in," Caitlin grabbed Iris' hand.

"Come in as in...?" Iris raised her eyebrows.

"As in I want to kiss more. Maybe more than kiss."

Iris answered by kissing her again, this time Caitlin responded, parting her lips. Her hand slipped round to give Iris' butt a squeeze.

"You really like my ass huh?"

Caitlin nodded.

"Let's go in and you can show me how much."

author: swan_secrets, drabble cycle: kinks, fandom: the flash

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