Challenge #449: Change

Mar 11, 2015 20:53

Title: Like It Was Before
Author: Temari778
Fandom: Firefly
Pairing: Patience/Saffron
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Prompt: #449: Change

"It was supposed to kill him, but it only made him faint," Saffron laments halfheartedly with a smirk.

Next to her, Patience cackles dryly. "Figures," she comments. "But, it's a nice change of pace." She gulps down the rest of her rum before she gestures to one of her men for another shot.

Saffron snorts and leans back in her chair. "It was just pure luck."

Patience snickers. "Of course. But, then again, if he could survive a million Alliance bullets, he could survive one of mine."

"They say cockroaches are immortal."

Patience looks at her. "That they are, ginger."

challenge449, author: temari778, fandom: firefly

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