Title: Darkness In My Hand
Author: Temari778
Fandom: Maleficent
Pairing: Maleficent/Aurora
Rating: PG
Word Count: 150
Prompt: #449: Change
Aurora lay stretched out near the edge of the pond, letting the cool afternoon air blow between the toes of her bare feet. Next to her Diaval caws softly. She leans over and strokes his sleek feathers.
Maleficent is somewhere nearby. Aurora can't see her precisely, but knows that she is there, watching. It was odd because recently when she felt the woman's eyes on her, she would shiver uncomfortably, Maleficent's eyes reminding Aurora vaguely of a snake she saw once when she was younger.
But, Aurora thinks that things had hardly changed since she first caught sight of her in the forest. Maleficent had never harmed her. Sure, she was standoffish and not the kindest person, but she hadn't hurt her.
A sound startles her and she looks up to see Maleficent standing up. She looks over at Aurora and smiles, her lips red and mesmerizing, her eyes unblinking.