Title: Circle Around and Back
Author: Temari778
Fandom: Firefly
Pairing: Zoe/Kaylee
Rating: G
Word count: 180
Prompt: #448: Road
The road was nothing more than dirt, hardly discernable from the rest of the cracked, dry earth. The wind lifted up particles of dirt, creating a brown sort of fog (that made them cough and burn their eyes). Kaylee watched as a tumbleweed blew by effortlessly, into the vast nothingness.
Kaylee's tongue was thick and sticky, walking noticeably slower than she had been an hour earlier, the ache in her feet throbbing dully, the back of her neck that her shirt did not cover burned, the skin reddened.
Kaylee looked over at Zoe once more, not asking her anything, mainly because they had no water and talking took away moisture. At least, that's what Zoe had said to her, which is why neither were speaking. Kaylee wondered if Zoe ached the same way she did, but she doubted it. Zoe had always been the stronger one of the two.
Kaylee closed her eyes and thought of a pristine lake that likely did not exist on this planet, dimly hoping that they would even find a body of water at all.