Once Upon a Time: Snow White/Emma - expectations

Dec 27, 2014 07:26

Title: Expectations Lowered
Fandom: Once Upon A Time
Pairing: Snow White/Emma Swan
Rating: PGWord Count: 110

Emma had always dreamt about what growing up with her biological parents would be like. What her mother would be like, if she could cook or whether her dad would be the chef in the kitchen so it remained intact. What her parents would say if they saw her A’s and record cards. How her mother would soothe her nightmares, or even if she would.

But her Mommy exceeded all her expectations. She wanted to know everything about Emma’s childhood, and even wanted to “redo” some experiences. She soothed her nightmares and made the best lunches. Best of all, Emma’s mommy loved her more than all her dreams put together.

author: fablibst4r, drabbletag5, fandom: once upon a time

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