Drabbletag5, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Catherine/Wendy, first date

Dec 24, 2014 13:46

Title: Common Gesture
Author: Temari778
Fandom: CSI
Pairing: Catherine/Wendy
Rating: PG
Word Count: 145
Prompt: First date
Summary: First date, first impressions (or not).

Catherine lights up her cigarette (her first one in eight years). She had dutifully asked their waiter for the smoking section, pretending not to see the look of surprise (or maybe it was disappointment, she just wasn't sure anymore) on Wendy's face.

First impressions were a concept she had never took to heart (which explains her ex-husband). Besides, the two had known each other long enough. If Wendy was disappointed, she hid it well.

Without much thought, Catherine had ordered the grilled chicken parmesan, sauce on the side. No veggies for her. Not to mention a Shirley Temple. Couldn't afford to be clumsy (although she suspected she already has been).

Wendy had carefully ordered the smoked salmon, mashed potatoes and steamed carrots on the side. A club soda to boot. Perhaps she didn't feel the need to be confident tonight.

She mentally shrugged. Who knew.

author: temari778, fandom: csi vegas, drabbletag5

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