Title - Poena Fandom - Wicked (Novelverse) Pairing - Elphaba/G[a]linda Rating - NC17ish? Word Count - 250 AN - Set the night of Nessarose’s memorial service.
Oh, damn. You managed to squeeze so much in 250 words - Elphaba's marriage to her cause, Glinda's heartbreak and resentment. Nice touch having them exchange roles - Glinda is the one hurting her lover, and *Elphie* the one trying to snuggle, which is hard to imagine.
It's also nice to see G/E fic that isn't based in Shiz! There's so much more to explore.
ps - I adore your Bree/Lynette, and was so glad to see you write Wicked as well! Glee.
You managed to squeeze so much in 250 words I have to admit that I am inordinately proud of myself for that (even if it was completely unintentional - it kind of just all fell out as I was writing).
the one trying to snuggle, which is hard to imagine. It's not really like her but in my head she sees it as her last ever chance for any forgiveness.
ps - I adore your Bree/Lynette, and was so glad to see you write Wicked as well! Glee. Wow - thank you ..... goes all shy now.....
the physical violence of this is so powerful and palpable, in perfect parallel to the emotional violence that defines them. the concept is really brilliant.
the physical violence of this is so powerful and palpable Sometimes I worry about the things that I write but I am glad that you think that it parallels the emotions.
Comments 9
It's also nice to see G/E fic that isn't based in Shiz! There's so much more to explore.
ps - I adore your Bree/Lynette, and was so glad to see you write Wicked as well! Glee.
the one trying to snuggle, which is hard to imagine. It's not really like her but in my head she sees it as her last ever chance for any forgiveness.
ps - I adore your Bree/Lynette, and was so glad to see you write Wicked as well! Glee. Wow - thank you ..... goes all shy now.....
the physical violence of this is so powerful and palpable, in perfect parallel to the emotional violence that defines them. the concept is really brilliant.
the physical violence of this is so powerful and palpable Sometimes I worry about the things that I write but I am glad that you think that it parallels the emotions.
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