Title: Wait, What Is This Again?
Author: Temari778
Fandom: Orphan Black
Pairing: Helena/Alison
Prompt: #429: Better
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: Alison isn't very good at making Jell-O
Alison leans back and folds her arms, huffing. "This one should be better than the last one. I'm not the world's best chef, you know."
Helena eyes the green Jell-O mold suspiciously. The last one had looked like an unappetizing bowl of pea soup. Plus, it hadn't didn't smell like lime at all.
Helena pokes at it with her fork, waiting, as if it were going to jump on her and eat her. "It is not...drippy like the last one."
Alison rolls her eyes. Everybody's a critic, she thought.
"Oh, just try the damn thing," she snaps at her.