Title: At Anchor Author: phoenixfalls (@AO3) Prompt: Taste Fandom: Teen Wolf Relationship: Lydia Martin/Malia Tate/Kira Yukimura Rating: G Word count: 150 Summary:
Damn, that's good. So incredibly hot but also so beautifully, beautifully written. I can't close the tag because I keep coming back and reading it again and again. <3
God, this is gorgeous! The way you've described them all, their behaviour and their very being, the way they interact together, it's utterly perfect! ♥
This is definitely my favorite part: Kira smelled like ozone, thunder and lightning and wet leaves in the forest after the rain. Like the burrow. Like Malia’s home. Lydia smelled like death, rotting corpses and crows. Like the accident site. Like Malia’s birth.
That is such a gorgeous and intense image, I love it so much. Amazing fic. <3
Comments 6
That is such a gorgeous and intense image, I love it so much. Amazing fic. <3
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