Title: The Gap
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: #427 Hands
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Faith/Willow
Rating: R
Word count: 100
Willow didn't ask. She knew what Faith was questioning.
They'd fucked.
There was the smell of sweat and sex and bitter pine air freshener the motel maids had overused. Faith was on her back, the strap-on still in place. Willow was on her back too, on the other side of the bed.
After fucking they usually parted ways. The times they did sleep together there was always space between them. No cuddling. No sweet romance.
But Willow's hand had crossed the divide. She was holding Faith's hand.
"I know," Willow said. She didn't move her hand. Neither did Faith.